Matthew J Peters

by Matthew J Peters - Published 5个月前

堡垒之夜 第5章 第4季:第6周任务指南

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4: Absolute Doom, which began six weeks ago, introduced a brand new battle pass packed with rewards. The most effective way to level up your battle pass is to complete weekly quests and challenges. These quests typically become available every Tuesday at 4 PM CET.
Completing these challenges is crucial for leveling up and finishing every page of the battle pass to claim its rewards. This week is particularly important because completing its quests unlocks the final parts from the first page of the bonus quest rewards from your battle pass, including the Dark Gwenpool Outfit. This guide will guide you on how to complete all the Week 6 challenges in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4: Absolute Doom.


Week 6 offers five exciting challenges for players to overcome, similar to previous weeks. While most of the challenges are straightforward, a few may require more effort. Here's how to complete each quest for Week 6 in Chapter 5 Season 4.


The first quest requires eliminating five opponents using the Stark Industries Energy Rifle. You don't necessarily need to eliminate players; eliminating five henchmen at any of the new locations with guards, such as the Raft, Doomstadt, or Castle Doom, will suffice.
First, you need to acquire a Stark Industries Energy Rifle. This weapon can be found in any chest, or you can obtain it with a 100% drop chance from any Supply Drone flying above a Hot Spot location. Hot Spots are marked with yellow names on the map. Once you have the weapon, eliminate five opponents (players or NPCs) to complete the quest.


For this quest, you need to visit a Stark Mobile Armory in two different matches—once per game. Stark Mobile Armories are located at the new landing spots added in the latest update. These are the locations where you'll find Stark Industries Chests.
During each match, a Mobile Armory lands at one of these sites, offering a full Iron Man or War Machine loadout. There are six landing sites in total, and their locations are highlighted in the image below.


在这个任务中,你需要从高处击中对手的头部 10 次。这可以在任何高处轻松完成,比如二楼,甚至在射击前跳跃时。只需获得任何武器,从高处瞄准爪牙或 Boss 的头部即可完成任务。


这个任务要求你收集 3 件英雄物品。英雄物品包括任何代表漫威角色的新史诗物品,比如钢铁侠的工具包、战争机器的装备、美国队长的盾牌等等。


对于最后一个任务,你需要摧毁 50 个物体或建筑。这可以用你的镐或任何你选择的武器轻松完成。只需疯狂地破坏附近物体和建筑即可完成挑战。
这便是我们关于如何在堡垒之夜第五章第四季“绝对厄运”中完成所有第 6 周任务的指南的总结!所有这些任务都可以在一场游戏中完成,除了“史塔克移动军械库”任务,它需要你加入另一场比赛。记住,你还需要完成第 5 周的任务才能解锁黑暗格温普尔套装。如果你需要任何其他任务的帮助,请查看我们下面的完整指南。

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