
by MORGAN Jack - Published 5个月前

Once Human:所有破碎的Delta变形箱位置



断裂三角洲共有 20 个形态箱。记住,当你靠近它们时,你摇篮(背包)右上角的附件会 开始闪烁。你离形态箱越近,闪烁速度就越快。
找到它们后,你需要 击败一个类似模仿者的实体 才能收集箱子。这些实体是隐形的,你需要 使用你的时空能力 来显现它们。以下是断裂三角洲的所有箱子:

Map Image

Location Image



An orange circle shows the location of fourth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human
Player searches the fourth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human

6156, -6125

Located at Hearst Industries. In the area with the yellow-covered monster, climb on the stairs above the gray container. You'll find it next to the trash pile.

An orange circle shows the location of first morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human.


Player searches the first morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human.

5676, -6390

You'll find this Morphic Crate at the edge of the cliff north of Meyer's Market. Stand next to the teal-colored house, head south, and you can find it. Don't forget it's located in a very high spot.

An orange circle shows the location of second morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human.
Player searches the second morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human.

6155, -6991

Found east of Harborside, on top of a high grassy hill.

An orange circle shows the location of third morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human.
Player searches the third morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human.

7104, -6980

Northeast of Wild Dog Isle Outpost. Turn your back to the pink barrier that's gone into the school bus, then head towards the seashore.

An orange circle shows the location of fifth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human
Player searches the fifth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human

5386, -6161

Just east of Sutherland Chemical Plant. You'll find a high cliff. The crate can be found next to a Banyan tree at the base of the cliff.

An orange circle shows the location of sixth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human.
Player searches the sixth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human

5232, -6350

Southeast of Sutherland Chemical Plant. On the side of the highway, hidden within the bushes. It's next to the Golden Rain Tree.

An orange circle shows the location of ninth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human
Player searches the seventh morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human

4923, -6170

West of Sutherland Chemical Plant. Near the intersection where the highway enters the plant. On top of a metal platform by the large pipes along the road, next to the yellow railing in the corner.

An orange circle shows the location of seventh morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human
Player searches the ninth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human

4990, -6456

Follow the road south of Sutherland Chemical Plant. On the roof of the building near the wind turbines, with 'Vultures' written on it. Walk around the building and find the ladder leading to the roof.

An orange circle shows the location of eighth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human
Player searches the eighth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human

5102, -6870

West of the Teleportation Tower, north of Sunbury Middle School. You'll see a cliff here; the crate is at the base of the cliff.

An orange circle shows the location of tenth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human
Player searches the tenth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human.

4907, -7438

Southeast of Waterfall Plaza, near the beach. In the grassy and rocky area, next to a large Banyan tree, you'll find this crate.

An orange circle shows the location of eleventh morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human
Player searches the eleventh morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human

4551, -7184

West of Waterfall Plaza, you'll find a fast-food building. The crate is in the grassy area behind the building, next to a Royal Palm tree.

An orange circle shows the location of twelveth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human
Player searches the twelveth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human.

4465, -6864

West of Sunbury, by the lake. You can find it near a Royal Palm tree.

An orange circle shows the location of thirteenth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human
Player searches the thirteenth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human

3816, -7330

Northwest of the Teleportation Tower, on top of the train overpass.

An orange circle shows the location of fourteenth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human
Player searches the fourteenth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human

3538, -6809

North of Junkyard, at the edge of a cliff with a red bridge view.

An orange circle shows the location of fifteenth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human
Player searches the fifteenth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human

3432, -6635

Far north of Junkyard, you'll see a Teleportation Tower. At the edge of the cliff southeast of it.

An orange circle shows the location of sixteenth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human
Player searches the sixteenth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human

3265, -6295

Northwest of the nearby Teleportation Tower, next to the dirt road and a Royal Palm tree.

An orange circle shows the location of seventeenth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human
Player searches the seventeenth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human

4015, -5226

By the lake east of Hilly Homestead, you can find this crate.

An orange circle shows the location of eighteenth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human
Player searches the eighteenth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human

4355, -5378

Southwest of Eastern Railway Junction, at the edge of a cliff.

An orange circle shows the location of nineteenth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human
Player searches the nineteenth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human

4730, -5060

On the dirt road west of North Shore Camp.

An orange circle shows the location of twentieth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human
Player searches the twentieth morphic crate on Broken Delta in Once Human

4862, -5251

Next to the dirt road west of North Shore Camp. You can find the crate near a scrap car.

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