
by MORGAN Jack - Published 5 months ago

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster: 10 Key Changes


  • The survivor AI has been overhauled to be more capable, making saving survivors easier and less frustrating.
  • New features include full voice acting, hands-free calling with Otis, durability bars for weapons, and the ability to speed up time.
  • Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster boasts updated graphics, improved facial expressions, and even more gruesome zombies.
Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is here. While the story and characters remain largely unchanged, significant updates enhance gameplay and address original issues. The result is a game that feels both familiar and fresh.
These changes offer a welcome improvement and make previously overlooked items more appealing. Here are the most notable differences between the original Dead Rising and the Deluxe Remaster.

10 The Graphics Have Been Revamped

The Mall Has Undergone A Renovation

The most obvious change is the enhanced graphics. Dead Rising looks stunning on the RE Engine. Familiar areas, such as Paradise Plaza, have been redesigned for a modern look. The park area exudes a captivating atmosphere at night, complete with fog and gloom.
Facial expressions have also been updated, adding depth to the personalities of some characters. Zombies now look more gruesome than ever before, with gore effects rivaling the original.

9 Survivors Are Easier To Rescue

The Survivors Possess Survival Instincts

One of the most significant gameplay changes is the revamped survivor AI. The original game featured clumsy survivors who frequently got stuck and were easily caught by zombies. This made it frustrating to gather all survivors to the security room.
The ultimate challenge, however, has always been getting them over the ledge and into the rooftop vents. In this game, survivors are more capable and can now walk on steps instead of getting stuck while trying to get past each other.

8 The Game Features Full Voice Acting

Otis Finally Speaks

Upon starting your first scoop, you'll notice that the game now features full voice acting. This means every survivor speaks, eliminating the need to read dialogue text.
Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster adds a feature that enhances immersion in the world of Dead Rising by giving every survivor, including Otis, a voice actor.

7 Hands-Free Calling Is Now Available

No More Interruptions From Zombies

One common issue players faced in the original Dead Rising was Otis' calls interrupting gameplay at inconvenient times. This issue has been addressed in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.
In Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, zombies no longer interrupt calls from Otis, eliminating the frustration of missed scoops and rude hang-ups.

6 Psychopath Changes

An Improvement Or A Degeneration?

While most psychopaths remain unchanged, some have been adjusted for a modern audience. Larry's dialogue is more American, while Cliff's dialogue about communists and Vietnam has been replaced with references to moles and animals.
Despite these cosmetic changes, the actual boss fights remain untouched, with no bosses removed from the game. Notably, Thomas Hall, the sniper of the Hall Family, no longer faces a gruesome fate.

5 Weapons Now Have Durability

Check Your Zombie Slaying Equipment

The original Dead Rising displayed weapon breaking through a flashing icon. Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster introduces a durability bar that shows the full health of weapons.
The durability bar in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster allows players to keep track of their arsenal and avoid being caught off guard by weapon breakage.

4 The Ability To Fast-Forward Time

No More Lingering Around

The game now lets you fast-forward through time. In the original game, you had to kill zombies or survivors to pass time, but now you can skip time using your watch in safe spots like the safe room or bathroom.
This allows you to move directly to the next story mission without waiting.

3 The Game Includes New Items

New Books And Cut Weapons

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster isn't just a remake, it includes new content like never-before-seen weapons, downloadable costumes, and brand-new books.
The rocket launcher is one example of a new weapon that can take out hordes of zombies. New books allow you to make thrown objects explode and use inedible items to make more juices.

2 The Game Features New Saving Capabilities

Don’t Lose Your Progress

The time limit and save features were a challenge for new players in the original game. You had to save in bathrooms, but now the game has added autosave features and allows saving in infinity mode.
This makes the game more forgiving and helps players achieve harder goals.

1 You Can Now Move While Aiming

Your Legs No Longer Lock

The ability to move while aiming is a great quality-of-life improvement. This feature was introduced in Dead Rising 2, but the original game locked you in place while shooting.
With this update, you have the freedom to move in any direction while maintaining your aim on enemies. This maneuverability allows you to dodge attacks during battles and prevents Cletus from trapping you in his boss fight, which was often an unfair situation.

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